MFN Port Services

HSE Policy

Everything at MFN Port Services Starts with Safety.

With strong backing from our Executive Management and our entire leadership team, our employees understand that all incidents are preventable, and our highest priority is the safety of staff, partners, suppliers, contractors and all those who work with us

- MFN Port Services Executive Management & Leadership Team

Our Committment to Safety

Every Employee Has Been Trained To Take Personal Responsibility For Their Individual Safety As Well As The Safety Of Others.

All employees and stakeholders have the right to ask questions, to point out an unsafe act or condition, to state that you are not properly trained to perform a task or stop any job when a perceived unsaved condition, behaviour or hazard arises.

We are committed to operating in a safe manner and to protect our employees and the environment while providing cost effective quality services to our clients. We aspire to be a recognized leader in provision of result-oriented port solutions and HSE performance in the eyes of our employees, contractors, clients, regulatory agencies and the public.

Our HSE Vision

To fully integrate Health, Safety and Environment into our business, creating a culture that reflects our commitment to conducting our activities in a manner that ensures the health and safety of our people and those involved directly or indirectly in our operations.